Recently I received an email from a new contact I made on Linked-In that is an Ambit Energy consultant in another team. He expressed the following frustration:
I have learned that my expertise is not network marketing. It seems that everyone I talk to about the Ambit Energy opportunity thinks it is a pyramid scam, even after viewing the “why ambit works” website video. Customers too. No matter how I present it or explain it aft they tell me, their opinion does not change. Do you get the same? How do you do it, as obviously, you have been successful at it? Thank you.
— Albert from Albany, NY
I thought you you all would like to read my response to this email:
Thanks for reaching out Albert! Here are my thoughts…
Customers should never really know that it is mlm, all they need to know is that you started a business working with energy and you are contracted with one of the top providers in the state.
As far as people looking at the business, I think you are attracting what you fear most. Instead of avoiding mlm, try coming right out with it, saying something like hey Bob, “what do you know about network marketing? I’m talking about companies like mary kay, mellaleuca, avon, pampered chef, etc… You know I was never really a big fan myself until I found an mlm selling something that everybody has to have and for less! This is what caught my attention about Ambit.
The thing is that most everybody know mlm is legit, saying it’s a pyramid scam is just a cop out and you will usually only get it from people if you enable them through a lack of confidence in the concept of network marketing. Usually I laugh if somebody says it’s a pyramid scam, and then I’d say really, that’s interesting, I’ll have to call the Public Utilities Commission and ask them why they approved a pyramid scam to be a licensed provider of energy for the state. I wonder how they could have let that slip by?
Stupid answers and stupid questions like “is this a pyramid scam” or “this is a pyramid scam” do require an equally stupid and sarcastic answer if you ask me. Fit this to your own style but the bottom line is that you have to come back with something either sarcastic or commandingly convicted to combat the stupidity of “pyramid scam” objections. What do you think Jere Thompson would say? The bottom line is that you need to change your belief and conviction.
On the other hand it is a completely different question if they ask if it is mlm. Then you can say “absolutely”! “This is MLM perfected! This is the first mlm I’ve ever found that sells something of value that EVERYBODY uses! Can you imagine taking the power of network marketing and applying it to electricity and natural gas, utilities that people cannot live without!”
Hope this changes your approach!
Shawn Cornett
Ambit Energy Founding Executive Consultant
Top 20 Income Earner
Six Time 5-Star Club Qualifier
Pacesetter, Powersurge & Pure Energy Award Winner