What do Michelangelo, Mozart, Howard Garns and the All Pro Tour Panelists have in common?
- Michelangelo – Painted the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and created the statue David
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Created some of the most memorable musical masterpieces like Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (A Little Night Music)
- Howard Garns – Credited with creating Sudoko
- The All Pro Tour Panelists – All wear colorful jackets compliments of Ambit
Any guesses yet?
Maybe this quote by Jim Rohn will help…. “There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes; its what we do with them that’s important”.
- The Statue of David – Chiseled out of a piece of rock using a hammer and chisel.
- The Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel – Created using only 3 colors.
- Mozart’s Masterpieces – Composed using only 7 notes
- Sudoko – Worldwide phenomenon puzzle using only 10 digits
- Colorful Jackets – Earned by following a very simple system
The ANSWER: It’s all very simple. They all had vision, mastered the fundamentals and took action to achieve greatness. And some of the above will be in Syracuse, NY the weekend of April 27-28 🙂
According to Jumpstart training, there are only 7 steps needed for your success in Ambit and like Jim Rohn said… It’s what we do with them that’s important! Come find out what the best of the best are doing with their 7 basic steps and take your business to the next level!
Now, we’re not going to teach you how to paint, sculpt, play the piano or solve puzzles, but there will probably be a little math, some music, a Purple Jacket, some Yellow Jackets and a lot of AllPro tips for you to use while building your business!
Rush over to www.AllProTour.com and get your tickets now so you can learn some great tips on building your business and maybe, JUST MAYBE you can also get an autograph from Michelangelo!
To Your Massive Success!
Damien Pechacek
Ambit Energy Founding Executive Consultant
Top 20 Income Earner
Executive Council
Yellow Jacket Club
Seven Time 5-Star Club
Pacesetter, Powersurge &Â Pure Energy Award Winner
(210) 232-6032