My deep thought of the week…
So I was in morning mens group at Church this week where we’re going through “The Servant” book (pretty solid read btw) and one of the discussion questions was, “what is something you know that’s worth sharing?”.
Nobody had an easy time answering this one. Say something profound and you sound like a know it all, say something stupid and you sound, well… stupid.
This was my second morning mens group of the day (still not yet 8am), so the java had been flowing pretty good by then and I responded with “I know that my world is better on the days I spend a little bit of time in prayer and/or personal development.”
After thinking about that a bit more since, I realized that was actually pretty profound.
When I work on myself a little every day,
- Crazy drivers don’t cause me to curse
- Bad service doesn’t cause me to go postal
- It’s easier to connect with people
- Leaving my comfort zone doesn’t seem to be so painful
- I don’t procrastinate nearly as much
- I’m much more focused
- I’m much more likable
- etc… etc… etc…
Add all of the above up and my world is infinitely better, my opportunities throughout the day are infinitely better.
I declare it’s time to be selfish. It’s time to work on yourself first and your Ambit business second, because #1 is the highest ROI for #2.
If information was power we’d all be billionaires with six pack abs.
Stop searching for secrets and shortcuts. Start developing a disciplined daily search for meaning and purpose.
Ready. Set. Go… make your day infinitely better!
Shawn Cornett
Ambit Energy National Consultant
Co-Founders Impact Award
Nine Time 5-Star Club Qualifier
Pacesetter, Powersurge & Pure Energy Award Winner
And most importantly… the 2013 Ambition Softball MVP!