Best year ever! Praise God for Ambit Energy!
- Your beliefs about money will determine how much you receive and or retain. If you have limiting or negative beliefs about money, your ability to create/attract income and or your ability to effectively retain that money will be limited by those beliefs.
- Your income is based on THREE THINGS – the value you place on yourself, the value you provide others and how you market yourself.
- It’s not what you make, it’s what you keep! Just because someone makes a million dollars a year does not mean they keep it. Don’t get caught up in people bragging about how much they make, most of the time they are in worse shape then you think.
- Eating out is EXPENSIVE and addicting. Be careful. I really struggle with this.
- Recognize you are blessed- whatever your current situation. There are tragedies all over the world and a good percentage of people are living in a hellish nightmare right now. Remember that everything you have is a gift from above and that it can be taken away just as quickly as it was given to you. Living life with an attitude of gratitude is AWESOME!
- There is almost zero relationship between your educational knowledge and your yearly income with your business. “Education covers a lot of ground but won’t cultivate any of it.” – Zig Ziglar
- The more people you serve the more you make.
- Hang out with friends who make more money than you and learn how they think– if improving your financial situation is important to you. Hanging out with broke people will only lead you to becoming broke.
- Hanging out with people who’s lives revolve around excess and more, more, more can be just as dangerous as hanging out with people who are broke. Fine line with this…
Health and Fitness: I love working out!!
- 90% of getting a six pack is diet, diet, diet. I have tried many different programs and the only time I see my body drastically change is when my diet is dialed in for 8-16 weeks straight.
- The best way to stay consistent is to schedule exact times for all your workouts.
- If you don’t make exercise a priority and a part of your daily “Slight Edge” lifestyle then you won’t see any significant progress and it typically won’t get done. (this goes for any new discipline: Prayer, reading, journaling, prospecting, etc…)
- Inconsistency will ruin any solid training program.
- Your body hates change but responds extremely well to it.
- The best time to train if you wish to lose belly fat is within 30-minutes of waking up on a empty stomach. I relied on at least 45-60 minutes of low intensity cardio 5-7x a week while listening to personal development and business audios. (Knock out 2 birds with one stone)
- You are what you eat. Eat garbage and you’ll look like garbage. (this also goes for “You are what you think about”) Put garbage in your brain and garbage comes out your mouth…LOL
- Training your body is just like building your Ambit business. Once you stop, you lose momentum and it is very difficult to get it going again.
- All of the “truly” successful people that I want to model after speak about the importance of exercise and back it up with action. I was inspired to see Jere Thompson get up early, go to the pool and swim laps each day of the 5 star trips!
- Exercise and eating right are just choices. Doing it is a simple discipline and not doing it is a simple error in judgment.
Business: We have the greatest team on the Planet!!
- The first 10-30 days of creating a new habit is the hardest and offers the greatest resistance. Aim to change only ONE habit each month – anything more is too much. Prioritize the new habit as the first thing each morning which is when you have the greatest will power. “You will never change your life until you change something you do, daily!” – John Maxwell
- People are looking for the magic bullet and quick success. This is a reflection of our society’s lust for instant gratification that I predict will get worse and worse. Once again, “the Slight Edge” is the key to long term success. It’s easier to go from failure to success than it is to go from excuses to success!
- Don’t let technology control you. Don’t get bullied around by your Smart Phone, Inbox or Voicemails. Make a list, prioritize it and work from it each day. You will be amazed how much you accomplish when you work from a list!
- Figure out what truly motivates you. What is your irrational obsession or what is your worst nightmare? Understand what motivates you and focus on it.
- Learn by ‘doing’ – not by talking about it. I am sick and tired of people who are all talk and no action. It’s about learned knowledge and then activity knowledge. The fortune is in the activity!
- “Speed of Implementation” has been a major factor in our success throughout the year. This is the amount of time it takes between learning something new and implementing it. The highway of life is full of flat squirrels that simply couldn’t make a decision. Decide, then Act!!
- Work on yourself as hard or harder than you work on your business. Our business won’t outgrow our mind. If you want more, become more.
- We should aspire to be successful, but success should never come at the expense of others or at the expense of compromising one’s standards. “Never Sacrifice Integrity for Growth!” –Jere Thompson
- Be a student of your industry and work towards becoming a master of it. Why not become the authority in your field?? Learn like you’re going to live forever and live like you’re going to die tomorrow. Either way you are covered 🙂
- Working harder and longer is not necessarily better but at different times in your success journey it’ll probably be necessary for a short period of time. (like after a promotion or during a promo) If you only work harder and longer, you’re doing something wrong or you are addicted to work 🙂
Relationships and Family: At the end of the day, what else really matters?
- Kids spell love T.I.M.E. Take time to really be present with your kids. A big deal to them may seem silly and insignificant to you but it is still a BIG DEAL to them, so enjoy the moment with them!
- People judge you by the friends you choose and hang out with. Choose wisely. Are they empowering you and helping you move towards your goals or are the holding you back?
- For the married people, Distance yourself from couples who complain about their spouses and have unhealthy relationships. Hang out with couples who are real, in love with each other and have a relationship that you look up to. Basically protect your family from negative influences.
- Real friendships are hard to come by. When you have one, do whatever it takes to nurture it.
- Treat people like people, not like projects. Cherish the relationship, not what you might get out of the relationship. People hate being treated like projects.
- Pleasing your wife is pleasing to yourself. Or, making your wife happy leads to you being happy. Married guys know what I’m saying. She is the love of your life! Treat her that way 🙂
- Leave the iPhone at home or at least don’t look at it when you go on dates with your spouse.
- If it hurts the one you love, whether it makes sense or not, stop it!
- One of the most impactful quotes that helped me with my relationships: “Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do so with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.” ― Og Mandino
- Some things cost too much emotionally. Life balance is critical towards true success. Don’t get so obsessed with your goals that you lose sight of the priorities in your life, like your spirituality and your family.
Miscellaneous: Just more stuff I thought I would share.
- Having a T.V. is not necessary. If the news is that important, you’ll hear about it. If you don’t plan on doing something about the bad news on T.V., what’s the point of knowing about it?
- Character is more important than reputation. Character is who you are when no one is looking.
- If you are good at something, let people find out on their own. No one appreciates the person who is always talking about their accomplishments. Also, while confidence is a good thing, being cocky is not. I’m still learning the difference 🙂
- Reading at least one new book each month continues to sharpen my mind and has helped me become a leader within my circle of influence. It can do the same for you!
- It’s hard to not compare yourself to others, but don’t. Compare your business and your physique to your own progress and nobody else’s.
- Results don’t happen over night. Enjoy the journey. There are no short cuts in life.
- I shouldn’t and don’t feel guilty about going on nice trips or splurging on dinners and movies (that’s my thing). I have and continue to work my freaking butt off.
- A real man cares about his physical health and understands that improving his body benefits more than just himself- it inspires his friends, co workers, kids and ensures his wife keeps her hands where they should be – all over him 🙂
- Don’t expect people to just like you for who you are. Give them reasons to like you.
- When a group of people work together for a common goal, nothing can stop them! Way to go team Plattsburgh for raising 10k for the Special Olympics and doubling your goal of 5k for the Polar Plunge.
- Never underestimate the power of prayer, faith and the human spirit. Thank you, Pam for inspiring me and helping me to realize this wonderful truth.
I hope you enjoyed that…. I believe that we should ALWAYS BE LEARNING & GROWING so this was a fun review. Thank you for reading. I would love to hear which one stood out to you and what you learned in 2011. Leave your comments below.
Damien Pechacek