Friends I believe this is huge!
I recently received a request to put something together that displayed Ambit Energy’s track record regarding customer service. Specifically this was asked by one of my Consultants with major connections in Japan. As a result of his experience there, he knows there is a major premium placed on customer service and satisfaction.
This got me thinking about Ambit’s record with BBB. We have an A+ rating (not bad), but because of our sheer size as the largest deregulated retail energy provider in Texas (and one of the largest in the country), we’re naturally going to get more complaints than most companies. Put those complaints in to perspective by factoring in our size and it’s no big deal. Unfortunately, most people just taking a quick glance don’t have that perspective.
There is a major problem with using BBB as as source for evaluating any company. They are the default go-to place for customer complaints. Ambit is a Billion and a half dollar company with well over a million customers. No matter how hard we try, we can’t make everybody happy. This is where BBB puts it into perspective, our A+ rating is a result of the fact that we take care of the issues as they come up.
However, there is a better source to look at here, JD Power.
The reason is JD Power derives it’s data from “independent and unbiased feedback from a representative sample of verified product and service owners“. In other words, JD Power proactively reaches out and surveys customers across the entire spectrum of the industry for it’s data. This provides feedback from all customers, not just the ones that complain. Fortunately for us, they have been tracking deregulated retail energy providers in multiple states since 2012.
As one of the largest such providers, Ambit Energy has been ranked/reviewed by JD Power more times than all but two other providers. In this video we show the results of a detailed study/analysis that was done by averaging EVERY JD Power ranking from every state from every company since they started tracking retail energy providers back in 2012. After eliminating companies without enough rankings to be statistically relevant, and the end result is Ambit Energy comes out in 2nd place.
This is AMAZING my friends, 2nd place is no small feat!
Think about it. Taking into account the entire history of customer satisfaction studies by JD Power (who is the default leader in customer satisfaction studies), there is only one company that has potentially done a better job at customer satisfaction.
But it gets better when we apply some perspective…
The only company to beat Ambit was Green Mountain Energy, which isn’t an even match. They were ranked less than half the number of times as Ambit. This makes it much easier to maintain a high ranking. An example of this effect can be seen if you compare Ambit Energy to Stream/Ignite. If you average out their JD Power rankings, Stream would have a higher overall ranking than Ambit. The problem is they were only ranked in two states, and Ambit’s average rank in both those states was higher. Our overall combined ranking was lower, but only because it was averaged out over all 7 states that we were ranked, instead of just the two where we were ranked head to head with Ignite/Stream.
What happens when you compare apples to apples? Ambit comes out the clear winner.
Watch the video for a more detailed explanation of how it was all compiled and where all the numbers came from.
Click here to download a complete state-by-state breakdown of all the JD Power rankings from every company that were compiled to achieve the above chart.
Data in the chart and pdf above was compiled from the following JD Power Press Releases:
Hope you enjoyed this analysis my friends. Please leave your thoughts, comments and additions below!
Shawn Cornett
Ambit Energy National Consultant
Co-Founders Impact Award
Co-Founders Leadership Council
Nine Time 5-Star Club Qualifier
Pacesetter, Powersurge & Pure Energy Award Winner
Most importantly… the 2013 Ambition Softball MVP!