You’ve Reached the FREE video replay page for the Rock Star Ambit Energy Business Presentation & Super Saturday Training Event that was originally broadcast LIVE from Steve Thompson’s Multi-Million Dollar Super Yacht the “Never Quit”
Thanks to everyone who made this event possible especially Steve Thompson and our other guests Debbie Atkinson, Greg Henzel & Jim/Kim Mason… and also to the amazing crew of the “Never Quit”, talk about living life 5-Star!
We will be compiling the video footage on DVD (quality will be much better) and making them available soon. Also if you would like to get rolling with the EnergyGoldRush system detailed in the training, just visit this link. The original purpose behind this event in to begin with was to update our 526 Blitz training which is now complete and available in HD.
It was amazing to reach so many people from all across the country with this groundbreaking event. Extremely conservative estimates had us reaching at least 3000 people from across the country. Due to the overwhelming success, Damien and I were forced us to extend our trip on the yacht an additional day so we could put plans into motion for round 2 later this year, stay tuned for details…
Continued success!